Saturday, January 12, 2008

Spot Rubber Rules Steady

Kottayam: Spot rubber was steady on Friday. The undercurrent appeared weak. According to sources, the prices sustained at the quoted levels as there were no quantity sellers in the main marketing centres.

Sheet rubber closed flat at Rs 94.75 a kg but the graded was reported to be better by 50 paise at Rs 95 a kg at Kochi. Transactions were dull.

Futures slip

The February futures for RSS 3 slipped to 285 Yen (Rs 102.77) from 285.3 Yen a kg on TOCOM. The grade’s spot shed 20 paise to Rs 103.38 a kg at Bangkok .On NMCE, the last traded price (LTP) for January was quoted at Rs 95.50 (95.70), February at Rs 97.31 (97.19), March at Rs 99.03 (98.95) and April at Rs 101.30 (101.07) a kg for RSS 4. The January contract for RSS 4 weakened to Rs 95 (95.37) a kg on MCX.

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Spot prices were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 94.75 (94.75); RSS-5: 92 (92); ungraded: 90.50 (90.50); ISNR 20: 91.50 (91.50) and latex 60 per cent: 61 (61).

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