Monday, January 14, 2008

Good Demand At N. India Tea Sales

Kolkata: Last week, the CTC teas at the North India tea auction centres at Kolkata, Siliguri and Guwahati saw a good demand, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd. The prices showed a slight easing following quality.

The major blenders continued to operate strongly while other internal segments too remained active. Dust grades appreciated.

Orthodox teas also saw a good demand at around last levels with smaller brokens and fannings being firm to occasionally dearer.

There was good support from the CIS countries with a fair amount of interest from West Asia.

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Darjeeling whole leaf and brokens saw good demand at barely steady rates. Fannings witnessed limited inquiries.

Crop & exports

The crop figures released by the Tea Board indicate an increase of approximately 3.8 million kg in North India teas and one million kg in South India teas in November.

However, the consolidated figures up to November vis-À-vis the same period last year show a drop in production of 15.4 mkg — 9.8 mkg of North Indian teas and of 5.6 mkg of the South Indian varieties.

The January-November exports at 144.8 mkg were lower by 52.3 mkg vis-À-vis the same period of last year.


Kenyan teas in Mombasa auction saw a strong general demand at dearer rates following active support from Pakistan, the UK, the CIS and West Asia.

In Colombo, Sri Lankan markets saw a good demand. Pekoes appreciated.

Inquiries were forthcoming from Iran, the CIS and Dubai.

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