Friday, May 23, 2008

Union Govt Has Sanctioned Rs 122 Cr For Replanting And Rejuvenation Schemes

Kochi: The Union Government has sanctioned Rs 122 crore for cardamom replanting and rejuvenation schemes in the next four years, according to V.J. Kurien, Chairman, Spices Board.

Of the total amount, Rs 50 crore will be spent in Kerala this year. The main purpose of the programme is to increase the production from 9,500 tonnes to 24,000 tonnes, he said at a press meet. The Board is also working out various schemes to market cardamom both in domestic and export markets.

The Board will also explore the possibility of utilising the neutraceutical properties of cardamom as part of the marketing strategy, he said.

Export volume down

The major markets for cardamom are Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Japan and the UK. The exportduring 2007-08 has been 500 tonnes valued at Rs 24.75 crore (650 tonnes valued at Rs 22.36 crore), registering an increase of 11 per cent in value terms. However, the export volume has declined by 23 per cent.

The reported production decline in Guatemala, which controls more than 90 per cent of the global trade, has resulted in sharp increase in the prices of cardamom, he said.

Incentive for vanilla

According to the Chairman, the Government had also sanctioned Rs 4.5 crore to meet the price difference between natural and synthetic vanilla. This will provide an incentive to encourage the use of vanilla, he added. The export of vanilla has gone up from 125 tonnes in 2006-07 to 200 tonnes in 2007-08. However, the export value has gone down by 11 per cent owing to the decline in the prices in the international markets.

Madagascar, the largest producer is supplying the material in the range of $18-20 a kg. The supply from other producing countries such as Uganda, Papua New Guinea, has pull down the prices in the international market. The major markets are the US, Germany and France.

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